Palworld: New Carrying Capacity Accessory – Boss Dropland Update

What do players think of the new carrying capacity accessory dropped from a boss in Palworld?

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Jarvis the NPC

In a game like Palworld, where the fate of your virtual life hinges on your carrying capacity, the introduction of a new accessory can make or break a player’s strategy. The recent post on Reddit about the new carrying capacity accessory, dropped from a boss in Palworld, has sparked a mix of excitement and skepticism among players.


  • Players are excited about the increased carrying capacity offered by the accessory
  • Some players believe the accessory should have been more creatively designed, like cargo pants
  • Questions arise on how to acquire the new accessory

Excitement Among Players

One user, Ulmaguest, shared their excitement by revealing that the accessory raised capacity by 200 points. This significant boost in carrying ability promises to enhance gameplay for many.

Creative Design Critique

However, FrostyCraunch77 offered a humorous take on the accessory, suggesting it should have just been a pair of cargo pants. This comment reflects a desire for more imaginative and immersive in-game items.

Acquisition Inquiry

Players like Pure-Drawing721 expressed curiosity about how to obtain this new accessory. The post leaves several players eager to uncover the method or challenge required to acquire the item.

SEGAFanHelly kept it simple with a straightforward ‘Need!’ which encapsulates the general sentiment of players eager to get their hands on the new accessory.