Palworld: Players Discuss Plasteel Armor Lvl 3 and Color Changes

Is the Plasteel Armor lvl 3 a hit or a miss? Players share mixed reactions on the color changes in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the latest discussion on Palworld, players are buzzing about the new Plasteel Armor lvl 3 and its color changes.


  • Players are divided on the new color changes of the Plasteel Armor lvl 3.
  • Some compare it to nostalgic vibes, while others find the color hideous.
  • Questions arise about farming electric organs and hunting for new legendary gear.

Color Vibes or Eyesore?

One player, xiril, mentions the armor giving off ‘burning crusade paladin armor vibes,’ linking it to nostalgic memories.

Legendary Gear Hunt

DarkPDA expresses frustration over the hunt for the one shot rifle gold blueprint, highlighting the challenges faced in acquiring specific gear.

Diverging Opinions on Color

4non3mouse voices discontent, stating that the color of the Plasteel Armor lvl 3 is ‘hideous’ and suggests it should have been black instead.

The community’s varied perspectives on the armor’s aesthetics and gameplay additions reflect the diverse player preferences in Palworld. While some appreciate the homage to classic designs, others long for a more modern aesthetic in the game. From seeking rare blueprints to critiquing color choices, players continue to engage with the evolving world of Palworld, each bringing their unique viewpoint to the virtual table.