Palworld Players Divided Over New Raid Reward

Palworld players express mixed feelings about the new raid reward, leading to divided opinions and discussions in the subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players recently shared their thoughts on the new raid reward in a Reddit post, sparking a wave of discussions and differing opinions.


  • Players are conflicted about sacrificing stats for cosmetic items.
  • Questions arise about customizing armor colors in-game.
  • Some players enjoy the game despite its challenges.

Conflicting Opinions on Stats vs. Cosmetics

One player expressed a desire for cosmetic items to be separate from armor stats, citing difficulties in late-game areas. They highlighted the trade-off between defense and appearance, reflecting a common concern among players.

Customization Queries

Another player inquired about coloring armor pieces, indicating an interest in personalizing the in-game visuals. This raised discussions on potential customization features and their impact on gameplay.

Enjoyment Amid Challenges

A player shared their positive experience with the game, mentioning their achievement in completing it and having fun along the way. This contrasts with the concerns raised by other players, showcasing diverse player perspectives.

The subreddit reflects a mix of opinions on Palworld’s latest update, highlighting the community’s varied preferences and experiences with the game content.