Palworld: Players react to the news of ‘King Depresso’ confirmation

Players share mixed reactions to 'King Depresso' news in Palworld universe.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are buzzing about the confirmation of ‘King Depresso,’ and the responses are as diverse as the creatures in the game.


  • Players express surprise and amusement at the revelation of ‘King Depresso.’
  • Concerns arise about the potential challenges posed by this new character.
  • Some players find humor in the situation, sharing anecdotes of their encounters with ‘depresso’ creatures.


One player humorously corrects the post author, distinguishing between ‘King’ and ‘Queen’ Depresso, prompting a chuckle among the community.

Another player recounts a funny in-game incident involving a depresso nest, highlighting the quirky behavior of these creatures that adds a comedic touch to the gameplay.

Challenges Ahead

Players express apprehension about the possible implications of facing ‘King Depresso’ in the game, foreseeing tough encounters and strategizing how to overcome them.

Humor Amidst The Darkness

Despite the darker theme of ‘depresso’ creatures, players find light-hearted moments in their interactions with them, showcasing the blend of humor and challenge Palworld offers.