Palworld: Small Changes & Community Opinions

Looking at what players want to see in Palworld! Let's dive into the Reddit discussions on two small changes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld is a game that players are passionate about, as seen in a recent Reddit post suggesting two small changes to improve gameplay. Cutiesaurs, the post author, proposed adding dedicated inventory slots for ammo, blueprints, and Palspheres, along with lowering power requirements for oil extraction and introducing a Pal that drops electric organs. Let’s take a closer look at the community’s reactions and insights.


  • Players advocate for dedicated slots to ease inventory management.
  • Some disagree, valuing the current challenge and variety in gameplay.
  • Community suggests improvements like pickup filters and storage for blueprints.
  • Players express interest in catching bosses post-battle for unique gameplay interactions.

Currency & Inventory Slots

Net_Negative proposed having currencies displayed as a total number carried, simplifying inventory management. This idea resonated well with players tired of juggling individual currency items.

BeachOk2802 questioned the necessity of carrying copious blueprints, suggesting easier storage options rather than dedicated slots. This sparked a discussion about balancing convenience with game immersion for items like blueprints.

Oil Extraction & Farming

Infamous-Physics-116 shared a different perspective on the oil extraction power requirements, highlighting how it influences player engagement by encouraging exploration and resource management. Some players appreciate the current pace and strategic incentives.

bnolsen emphasized the trade-off between convenience and self-sufficiency in acquiring electric organs, highlighting the game’s balance between player autonomy and in-game economies.

Inventory Management Solutions

lordzeel proposed a pickup filter system to address cluttered inventories and unnecessary item pickups. Players discussed the importance of finding a middle ground between challenging gameplay and quality-of-life improvements.

blur410 suggested allowing production lines to store blueprints, offering a potential solution to the issue of inventory clutter and organizational challenges.

Boss Catching Mechanic

Demonking3343 brought up the idea of players having the option to catch defeated bosses, adding a new layer of gameplay depth and decision-making. This suggestion sparked excitement about potential boss interactions and strategic choices.

The diverse opinions and creative ideas shared by the Palworld community reflect a dedicated player base invested in the game’s evolution and improvement. As players continue to engage with the game and offer feedback, developers have a wealth of insights to consider for future updates and enhancements.