Palworld Survival Strategy: Dealing with World Bosses

A blog post discussing Palworld players' experiences and advice on dealing with world bosses, including humorous anecdotes and gameplay insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

The wildly popular game, Palworld, lends users unique challenges. Striking one such challenge is deciding where to build a base, as dramatically illustrated by a user named TherealSirjorgus in his post: “Don’t build your base next to a world boss”. Oh how we wish many took that advice sooner!


  • Users shared experiences and consequences of building bases near world bosses.
  • Some have employed the situation to their advantage.
  • The humor inherent in the situation is broadly appreciated.
  • Multiple users relate their similar experiences, indicating common gameplay progression.

Base-Building Mishaps

“Oh god… too late”, groans a user named Lucsdf. This sentiment echoed amongst gamers. Another user, jewsexer, narrates, “Mammorest killed me and left, but he did incapacitate the rest of the pals at my base.” It seems that many gamers had the same monumental ‘oops’ moment.

Seizing Opportunities

Meanwhile, some gamers exude the old adage when given lemons, make lemonade. Nekommando opines “Do build a base near a world boss, preferably one that is weak so you can farm ancient parts every in game day”. It’s a daring tactic that could pay off handsomely to those brave enough to stick around!

Community Camaraderie and Lightheartedness

The experiences shared in the thread also highlight the camaraderie within the Palworld gaming community. Along with tips and warnings, the playful and often self-deprecating humor shines through. MrIhaveASword likens their behavior around world bosses to the popular meme of the little girl hiding from a terminator. The playful spirit maintains the community united even when individual pal bases are crushed by a stomping Mammorest.

Common Gameplay Progression

Vault-Brock ponders aloud in a reflectively philosophical tone, “Lol, I think we all built our bases in the same place.” This shows that there’s a shared progression in gameplay, inadvertently leading many players down the treacherous path of pitching tents near world bosses. The spontaneity and variety that Palworld offers match few others.

Happy (or for some, maybe not so happy) base building boils down to individual strategy, risk-taking, and how gamers use the lessons they learn. Here’s to more shared experiences, and slightly safer base locales!