Palworld: The Castle Craze – Community Reactions and Updates

Discover what the Palworld community thinks about the latest update, from castle building to gameplay improvements.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld subreddit users are buzzing about the latest update, sharing their experiences and opinions on castle builds and gameplay changes.


  • Players are enthralled by the new castle building features, with some showcasing impressive creations.
  • While many enjoy the update, some express frustration over crashes and dungeon instability.
  • The addition of new pals and gameplay elements has garnered positive feedback overall.

Castle Building Marvels

The community is in awe of elaborate castle designs, such as the glass palace and concrete jungle renovations.

Gameplay Delights and Grievances

Players appreciate the new assets and features but are experiencing crashes, especially in dungeons, affecting their gameplay experience.

New Update Excitement

Overall, the update receives praise for introducing new content like pals, dungeon layouts, and UI improvements, though a few players wish for more challenging legendary pals.