Palworld: The Heartwarming Mourning Rituals of Pals

Discover how the Pals in Palworld pay their respects in the most unexpected way.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld is not only a game about taming and training, but also a touching narrative of companionship and mourning. In a surprising turn of events, players have discovered that upon dying, their Pals actually mourn their loss.


  • Pals in Palworld display unexpected emotional depth.
  • Players are taken aback by the touching gesture of mourning.
  • The community is divided over the significance of this mechanic.

Reaction: A Mix of Emotions

Some players, like Dale Gribble, find the mourning mechanic heartwarming. Others, like CamaroKidBB, anticipate it happening frequently due to the game’s challenges. Marcola42’s humor in suggesting a ‘despresso’ adds a light touch to the emotional tone.

Community Engagement

ReliableRoommate’s reference to ‘Press F to pay respect’ is both a nod to gaming culture and a poignant acknowledgment of the immersive experience. LegitimateCopy7’s quip about prayers before meals adds a humorous twist to the discussion.

Speculation and Interpretation

Famulor’s comment on the ‘faceplant’ and Artemus_Hackwell’s dark humor regarding the Pal eating the player’s corpse reveal the diverse reactions within the community about the mourning mechanic.