Palworld: The Peaceful Pal Taking Reddit by Storm

Discover the heartwarming tale of a Pal in Palworld that chooses nonviolence despite having powerful combat abilities.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Palworld is buzzing with excitement over a heartwarming tale shared by Redditor Blubbpaule. A particularly unique Pal in the game stands out for its peaceful nature, sparking a delightful discussion among players.


  • Despite having powerful combat abilities, the Pal in question opts for a nonviolent approach.
  • Players marvel at the combination of traits and the Pal’s adherence to nonviolence.
  • Discussion focuses on the rarity of such a Pal and its implications in the game.

Player Reactions

Redditor Better-Particular828 commends the Pal’s decision, highlighting the noble trait exhibited by choosing nonviolence despite speed and attack buffs.

FlamingPhoenix2003 appreciates that the Pal lacks damage-over-time attacks, emphasizing that the Mercy Hit rule remains intact.

Community Discussion

Users speculate on the impact of a peaceful Pal in combat situations, raising questions about strategies and ethical gameplay choices.

The consensus leans towards celebrating the uniqueness of the Pal and the storytelling opportunities it presents within Palworld.