Palworld: The Pillars of Detail – Reddit Review

Embrace the detailed world of Palworld with the intricacies of pillars. But is it all fun and games for the players?

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld has seen quite the buzz lately with the addition of pillars enhancing the game’s detail…


  • Players are considering massive base rebuilds due to the newfound creative possibilities with pillars.
  • The glass floors and pillars are catching players’ attention, sparking interest in returning to the game.
  • The mechanics of connecting stairs to cliffs remain a mystery for some, prompting questions on construction techniques.

Base Rebuilds with Pillars

One user, Nuke2099MH, expressed the urge to demolish their current base to utilize pillars for more efficient construction. They highlight the benefits of elevating structures with ease and creating intricate designs.

Glass Floors and Pillars

JeromosaurusRex’s comment illustrates the appeal of glass floors and pillars, indicating a visually appealing feature that entices them to return to the game after a hiatus.

Building Challenges

Users like Sharp-Strawberry-962 face challenges in connecting stairs to cliffs, showcasing the learning curve associated with the new pillar mechanics in Palworld.

In light of these discussions, it’s evident that the introduction of pillars in Palworld has stirred excitement and creativity among players. The possibilities for constructing unique bases and structures have reinvigorated interest in the game, prompting both returning and veteran players to explore new design avenues.