Palworld Update Woes: Why Steam Wants You to Install Again

Players on Palworld subreddit share frustrations over unexpected 18GB update demand from Steam.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are facing a curious dilemma – post an update, and Steam plays tricks on you! A recent happening has left many scratching their heads after being prompted to reinstall an 18GB update out of the blue.


  • Palworld players flustered by Steam’s sudden 18GB update demand.
  • Overall confusion and frustration among the community with this unexpected situation.
  • Users sharing experiences of similar issues with the Steam client.

HasPotatoAim’s Patch Note Revelation

HasPotatoAim sheds light on the situation, sharing a patch note from the Discord that explains the update situation. The accidental splitting of asset files seems to have led to this peculiar reinstallation demand.

Rasikko’s Speculation

Rasikko humorously confesses to momentarily suspecting the Steam Client of playing pranks due to the double installation demand on different devices. The confusion is real!

Onebadhero’s Hilarious UE Crashes

Onebadhero adds a dash of humor to the mix, pointing out the unintended consequences of the update with UE crashes. Laughter amidst frustration!

The Palworld community sits on the edge of their gaming chairs, united by the baffling tale of Steam’s sudden insistence on reinstalling updates. As players grapple with unexpected 18GB demands and quirky client behaviors, camaraderie emerges in shared confusion and the ability to find humor in unexpected gaming surprises.