Parental Puzzles: To Buy or Not to Buy Fortnite Skins and Battle Pass

We dive into the Fortnite community to discuss the pros and cons of purchasing game cosmetics for your children.

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Portal Staff

The world of Fortnite is vast and vibrant, filled with unique characters, grand adventures, and virtual merchandise that can catch the eye of both young and seasoned players alike. Today, we’re exploring a thought-provoking discussion initiated by a Fortnite-playing parent, who asked about the applicability of buying game skins or Battle Pass for their children.


  • Several users advocated for the responsible and limited purchase of V-bucks, Fortnite’s in-game currency, to teach teens the value of money management.
  • A handful of users recommended the Battle Pass as a better investment due to it encouraging gameplay and self-sustainability in future seasons.
  • A small group of participants warned against the potential negative impacts of such purchases, including the risk of spoiling children or encouraging instant gratification.

Teaching Value Through V-Bucks

Many Fortnite fans, such as a user named HarryDotter420, used this debate as an opportunity to share their thoughts on the teaching potential including the ability to grasp the concept of value from early stages in life. Limited and controlled exposure to virtual economics, they suggest, could pave the way for real-world financial maturity.

Another user, oasisten, was keen on backing the one-time payment option for the Battle Pass. They emphasised the completion of in-game missions as a way to gain V-Bucks and pay for subsequent Battle Passes instead.

Childhood Spoils and Instant Gratification

While some Fortnite members championed the educational aspect, others were more concerned about the potential for spoiling children or fostering an overreliance on instant rewards. xirix, for instance, went to lengths to emphasize holding off from immediate reward procurement to secure better in-game prizes later on.

There was a subset of users, such as ViralVortex, that shared their hands-on parenting experience in relation to Fortnite. They suggested conditional access to V-Bucks that would only unlock all features once the player reached a specific level.

It’s enthralling how a simple question can spark such a vibrant discourse among a diverse community. The opinions were as varied as the Fortnite map itself, but one thing stood strong – the importance of fostering a healthy gaming environment for children. Whether it’s instilling financial literacy through controlled V-buck exposure or teaching patience and perseverance through the purchase of a Battle Pass, the Fortnite community seems united in their upbringing values. Who knew the gaming world could be such an insightful school of parenting?