Peeking Beyond Gold: Analyzing a Valorant Player through Tracker Insights

Peeking into Valorant player's game strategies based on their trackers and the Reddit community's advice on improvement.

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the world of Valorant, a player who goes by the name ‘viracbou’ is contemplating on how far he can stretch his peak Gold 1 status based on his current tracker statistics. Intriguingly, he prefers practicing in the actual game rather than using aim labs. To set the stage, his practice routine involves shooting 100 bots while strafing between each shot, aiming exclusively for headshots with a vandal. It appears from his tracker score that his game is climbing, but he wonders how high he can go before a more dedicated practice schedule becomes imperative.


  • ‘viracbou’ relies solely on actual gameplay for practice instead of simulators like aim labs.
  • His practice routine consists of 100 bots and strafing between each shot targeting only heads with a vandal.
  • His query is centered around how much he can stretch his current level before he needs to amp up his practice efforts.

Community Insights

The first to weigh in on ‘viracbou’s’ query is ‘katthesalad’, who advises him to work on his headshot percentage (hs%) and practicing correct crosshair placement. They also recommend using single-shot weapons to hone his abilities and not resort to crouching and spraying at every kill.

Cracking the Tracker Code

In contrast, ‘blackmonkeypanda’ opines that trackers don’t throw up significant insights unless something is terribly off. He further adds that ‘viracbou’s’ 48% win rate could become a 55% win rate with more games. He also identifies common mistakes like bad/non-existent communication and game plan as common pitfalls for Gold-level players.

The Case for Mental Gameplay

Another Redditor, ‘Kojiro_hyuga1’, advises ‘viracbou’ not to focus solely on his tracker and rather pay more attention to his gameplay. He shares his own experience of performing better after deleting his tracker and cautions against possible mental backlash from becoming too tracker-focused that can lead to damaging gameplay behaviors like baiting to get a higher kill-death ratio.

Lastly, ‘JRC179’ suggests the advantage of practicing outside games – chiefly, not spending time dead, thus making the practice more valuable. Clearly, the Valoran community does not shy away from sharing their wisdom. Whether it is mastering gunfight hygiene and crosshair placement or improving communication, each piece of advice is a compelling strategy. In the end, it boils down to whether ‘viracbou’ takes these nuggets of wisdom to heart and incorporates them into his gameplay, thereby potentially shifting the scales in his favor. After all, it’s not just about how high one can go; it’s also about how one charts the journey.