Persona: Holy Shit, I Just Realized That Akanari Is Voiced By The Same Guy That Voices This Character!

Discovering shared voice actors in video games leads to surprising connections and insights!

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona fans were in for a shock when they realized the voice actor for Akanari also played another character. Voice acting reveals strange connections sometimes, doesn’t it?


  • Fans discover shared voice actors in gaming world, leading to fascinating revelations.
  • Realization of the same voice actor for different characters sparks discussions on talent and range.
  • Community amazed by the interconnectedness of voice actors across various game series.

Voice Acting Wonders

One user notes, ‘Once you start to become aware of voice acting, you start to notice the same actors in everything that you play or watch. The talent pool for western voice actors isn’t especially deep.’ It’s intriguing how familiarity breeds recognition in unexpected ways. Talent truly shines when actors can embody diverse characters seamlessly.

Interconnected Gaming Universe

Another user points out, ‘Fire Emblem & Persona are literally the same series btw.’ The overlap in voice actors across different game series highlights the shared talent pool, creating a sense of a connected gaming universe where familiar voices intertwine.

Fan Reactions

One fan shares, ‘Play Unicorn Overlord and be at awe while watching the end credits roll. It’s like the entire cast of Persona games got an invite.’ There’s a sense of joy in discovering familiar voices across different titles, creating a tapestry of connections that enriches the gaming experience.

Persona fans find delight in uncovering the shared voice actors and the surprising connections it brings to light. The realization that familiar voices bridge seemingly disparate worlds fosters a sense of community among gamers, sparking conversations and revelations that make the gaming experience even more immersive and enjoyable.