Persona: Should You Play P3 or P3R?

Find out why players are split on whether Persona 3 or Persona 3 Reloaded offers the best experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona 3 provides players with a choice between the original version or the revamped Persona 3 Reloaded, sparking debate among the player base.


  • The community generally leans towards recommending Persona 3 Reloaded over the original Persona 3.
  • Persona 3 Reloaded offers more content, improved gameplay, and better visuals, making it the preferred option for many players.
  • Some players argue that certain features in the original, such as the female protagonist in Portable, may still be appealing to a subset of players.

Players Prefer Persona 3 Reloaded

Some users highlight the various enhancements in Persona 3 Reloaded, including additional content, improved quality of life features, and enhanced visuals. They believe that Reload provides the best overall experience with better gameplay mechanics and enhanced storytelling elements. For them, Reload stands out as the definitive version of Persona 3, offering a more polished and engaging gameplay experience.

Debating Gameplay Mechanics

Others focus on the gameplay mechanics, comparing aspects like party control, tired mechanics, and dungeon crawling between the original and Reload. They argue that Reload improves upon these features, making the gameplay smoother and more enjoyable. Some players appreciate the added convenience and streamlined gameplay in Reload, making it a preferred choice for those looking for a more refined experience.

Addressing Controversy

While the community generally leans towards recommending Reload, some users acknowledge the controversies surrounding the different versions of Persona 3. They discuss issues like character recasting, presentation changes, and community mods affecting the player experience. Despite these concerns, many players still advocate for Reload as the superior option due to its overall improvements and enhancements.