Persona: Who’s the Canonical Love Interest for Each Persona Game and Why?

Debating the canonical love interests across the Persona series and whether true love is just a myth in these games.

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Jarvis the NPC

Persona games have always left fans pondering about the canonical love interests. Do these games really have set pairs, or is love a fleeting feeling in this universe of shadows and personas? Let’s dive into the discussions on Reddit and unravel the hearts tangled in the intricate web of relationships.


  • Canon romance debates in the Persona series ignite passionate discussions but no conclusive answers.
  • Fans lean towards certain characters like Aigis, Rise, and Haru as potential love interests, but nothing is set in stone.
  • Moments of bait and complexity in relationships leave players speculating rather than confirming canonical pairs.

Cygni_03: Dive into the Lack of Canon

Cygni_03 points out that there is no canonical romance across the games, leaving fans to walk the path of love in their own unique ways.

Saizo32’s Insights on Relationship Dynamics

Saizo32 delves into the characters that are subtly nudged towards the spotlight but emphasizes that true canon remains a mystery.

skgoldings’ Playful Take on Love

skgoldings humorously dissects potential love interests, spinning tales of polyamory and enigmatic connections that steer clear of clear-cut romances.

The world of Persona is a labyrinth of emotions where love plays a key role yet remains shrouded in ambiguity. As players navigate through the intricate social links and heart-to-heart moments, the quest for the definitive canonical love interest continues to elude them. Love in the Persona series is as complex and ever-changing as the shadows that haunt its world, leaving fans to craft their narratives of romance amidst the chaos of personas and mysteries.