Persona: Why isn’t anyone calling the police on a shirtless man with a firearm who is harassing a group of schoolchildren?

In the world of Persona, a shirtless man with a gun terrorizes schoolchildren, but no one seems to care. Let's dive into the bizarre and intriguing discussions on Reddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Persona, the main character and their friends can summon powerful entities called Personas to fight against evil. However, there is one particular enemy that has caught the attention of Reddit users. A post with the title “Why isn’t anyone calling the police on a shirtless man with a firearm who is harassing a group of schoolchildren?” has garnered a lot of attention in the Persona subreddit.


  • Users discuss the surreal nature of a shirtless man with a gun roaming around.
  • Some find it strange that no one in the game calls the police.
  • Others compare the situation to themes of the supernatural in the Persona series.
  • A few users joke about not calling the police on a powerful character like Jesus.

Exploring the Shirtless Man Phenomenon:

The post begins with the author questioning why nobody in the game calls the police on a shirtless man who is threatening a group of schoolchildren. This strange occurrence sparks a lively discussion among Reddit users. Many commenters highlight the absurdity of such a situation, especially considering the fact that the game takes place in modern-day Japan. One user, Torafuku, notes that in Japan, casually walking around shirtless with a visible gun would typically warrant an immediate police response.

Another user, Scripter-of-Paradise, reflects on the incompetence of the protagonist’s team, wondering how they keep getting deceived by this character and his sidekick. The post garners further attention when KondreMatt expresses surprise at the assumption that the shirtless man would actually shoot someone. This prompts a discussion about the nature of the character and the potential danger he poses.

Several users draw comparisons between the shirtless man and the concept of “stand users” from other media, emphasizing the ambiguous nature of the villain and the unsettling atmosphere it creates. Blue-gamer-07 remarks that Strega, the group to which the shirtless man belongs, is one of the closest Persona has ever come to a “the stand user could be anyone” situation.

In a lighthearted comment, Di5962 humorously suggests that calling the police on Jesus is not applicable in the game’s context, as it is not set in ancient Rome. Rithrius88 takes a more serious tone, criticizing the apathy of the game’s adults and suggesting that someone should reform them, ideally with the help of a cat.

A Distorted Reality:

Some commenters offer explanations as to why the police are not involved in dealing with the shirtless man. Somesthetic hints at the lack of police presence, mentioning that there is only one police officer in the whole area who sells weapons to children. They suggest that the man is confined to the prison of his own mind, insinuating that it would be impolite to draw attention to his criminal activities.

MaybeJ0n echoes Di5962’s sentiment about not calling the police on Jesus, emphasizing the religious undertones present in the game and the symbolic nature of the character. Another user, Brainwave1010, humorously outlines a series of events, including being thrown in jail and the appearance of the Dark Hour, that would explain why the protagonist cannot simply call the police.

Not all comments delve into the deeper implications of the situation. Btcrshd lightens the mood by pointing out the humor in the shirtless man’s habit of touching his gun for no apparent reason during conversations.

The thread ends with a broken link, leaving users wanting more. Despite the lack of a resolution, the discussion on Reddit provides a fascinating glimpse into the fans’ interpretation of the shirtless man’s presence in the game.

Persona delights in presenting bizarre scenarios and challenging players’ perceptions of reality. The absence of police intervention in the face of a shirtless man with a firearm is just one example of how the game blurs the line between the ordinary and the supernatural. Whether it’s a commentary on societal apathy or a deliberate choice to enhance the game’s atmosphere, the discussions on Reddit showcase the passion and imagination of the Persona community.