PhiDX: Analyzing CBM’s Effective Jin Play Against JY’s Nina

PhiDX analyzes CBM's effective Jin gameplay against JY's Nina, highlighting key strategies and adaptations in this intense Tekken match.

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to the recap of DreamHack Summer 2024, where PhiDX dives into the intense match between CBM and JY. CBM’s Jin proves to be extremely effective against JY’s Nina, and PhiDX breaks down the gameplay and strategies that make this match so interesting.

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Key Takeaways:

  • CBM’s effective use of Jin’s hit boxes and moveset.
  • JY’s defensive play and optimization of Nina’s strengths.
  • The importance of movement and sidestepping in this match.
  • The significance of punishing and adapting to your opponent’s playstyle.

CBM’s Effective Jin Play

CBM showcases his mastery of Jin’s moveset, utilizing his hit boxes and strong mids to control the match. He effectively uses moves like forward forward two, down four, and 214 to pressure JY and create openings for his offense. CBM’s Jin also displays a fearless playstyle, not hesitating to use risky moves and low pokes to keep his opponent on their toes.

JY’s Defensive Play and Optimization of Nina

JY’s Nina demonstrates a strong defensive playstyle, relying on sidestepping and small pokes to control the pace of the match. He focuses on punishing CBM’s approach and capitalizing on counter hits. JY’s optimization of Nina’s strengths, such as her string extensions and powerful lows, allows him to create explosive punishes and deal significant damage.

The Importance of Movement and Sidestepping

Movement and sidestepping play a crucial role in this match, with both players utilizing these techniques to create openings and evade their opponent’s attacks. CBM’s well-timed half sidesteps and realignments effectively dodge JY’s sidestep punish attempts, while JY’s sidesteps help him dodge CBM’s advancing moves and set up punishing opportunities. The importance of movement and sidestepping cannot be understated in Tekken matches, and this match showcases their impact.

The Significance of Punishing and Adapting

Punishing and adapting to your opponent’s playstyle is crucial in high-level Tekken matches, and both CBM and JY demonstrate their ability to do so. CBM punishes JY’s defensive reads and creates opportunities for big damage with well-timed moves and punishing JY’s whiffs. On the other hand, JY adapts to CBM’s aggressive playstyle and punishes his risky moves, capitalizing on counter hits and creating explosive punishes.