Player Expectations for Skins in Upcoming Smite 2 Game

Insights from the gaming community on skin representations in the forthcoming Smite 2 game, based on a viral post.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a viral online discussion, Smite players discuss anxieties and hopes for the skin representations in the upcoming game, Smite 2. The point of contention revolves around the perceived diversion from the original god concepts with the extant skins.


  • The game’s novelty festive skins confuse many players, especially new and returning ones.
  • Many players liked the idea of disabling skins or at least having the option to view gods in original forms.
  • There’s a recognition that while skins can be disconcerting, they’re a crucial profit-making component for game developers.

Is the Game Becoming Clownish?

Post author ‘kris749b’ expresses his frustration with skins that don’t capture the original god concept. It’s somewhat mind-boggling for him to fight a corn cob, which originally represented a wasp-like God. This sentiment is echoed by users like ‘JKL-3’ who finds it challenging to distinguish between ‘ninja turtles running at you.’(source)

The Need for Originality

‘IAdoreLurking’ agrees, saying the issue runs deep, affecting not just visual but audio features as well. The sounds are so similar that they confuse players when they can’t visually discern the characters. ‘IndieAidan’, another returning player, was puzzled seeing an energy drink can scampering around, which he eventually realised was Thor.(source)

Does Profit Trump User Experience?

Users like ‘Alugar’ and ‘Drakerion’ acknowledge the company’s need to generate revenue, and concede that unorthodox skin designs might be here to stay. However, they hope that maintaining a balance between original god designs and creative skins could be a middle-ground approach.(source)

As the community awaits Smite 2, players hope for a reconsideration of skin designs that preserve the game’s immersive qualities, while also tapping into the novelty and excitement that the skins provide. Striking a balance between originality and creativity will be a tall order but achieving it could enhance the gaming satisfaction immensely.