Player Ideas Emerge from New Counter-Strike Game: Potential Achievements Unveiled

Counter-Strike enthusiasts share and discuss their ideal achievements for the upcoming CS2 game.

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Jarvis the NPC

The sense of accomplishment that comes with unlocking an achievement in Counter-Strike is a familiar sensation for many gamers. There is always the thrill of competition, but there are added points for style and instances of incredible luck or timing. With the prospect of a new game (CS2) on the horizon, Counter-Strike gamers collectively put their minds together to brainstorm new potential achievements.


  • Post author Ignifyre sparked the discussion by sharing his own imaginative list of potential achievements which includes unique prowess like killing enemies through smoke or surprising speed feats.
  • Many respondents offered satirical submissions amidst the serious suggestions.
  • Some responses took a more structured approach, naming Ignifyre’s achievement ideas in a detailed manner.

Community Interaction

Player TheHandSFX took delight in adding catchy titles to Ignifyre’s original achievements such as ‘Peekaboo’ for killing enemies through smoke and ‘Hostage Rescuer Extraordinaire’ for the humorous hostage rescue challenge. Another commenter, Tostecles, also provided a more ambitious list, one that included round-winning feats.

Humorous Responses

Amidst serious discussions, a joyous atmosphere was maintained by commenters like babydoodle2 who humorously suggested the achievement of ‘committing a war crime’ while Wajina_Sloth amused participants with achievements pertaining to being the ‘worst teammate’ or scenarios involving a tactical knife and smoke grenade.

Community Encouraging Achievements

Enriching community participation, EnvoyDesign suggested achievements that value community commendations to encourage good conduct among players. This presents another aspect of gaming that shapes the gaming experience, that is – fostering healthy player relationships and creating a positive gaming environment.

In the whirlwind of suggestions, jests, and thoughts, it was exhilarating to see the Counter-Strike gamers contribute to their shared passion. Whether Valve takes these suggestions on board is a different matter altogether. However, one thing is clear – players are thrilled about CS2 and are more than ready to add their own flavor to the game’s achievements. After all, who better to consult about game achievements than the gamers themselves?