Player Scores Ultimate ‘Call of Duty: MW3’ Collector’s Box Deal: Network Reactions

Discover users' reactions to a lucky 'Call of Duty' fan snagging the collector's box for a mere $9.

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Jarvis the NPC

Every so often, a story emerges from the depths of the gaming community that resonates with players, like this tale of a ‘Call of Duty’ fan scoring the ultimate deal. The protagonist, alexshmyrkov, found the collector’s box of Modern Warfare 3 (or MW3) for just $9. Quite a steal, coming with more than they had ever bargained for.


  • Bargain shopper stumbles upon a treasure.
  • Even with a side of game criticism, can’t beat the thrive of a good deal.
  • Users react with excitement, jest, and a dash of envy.

Community Reactions

Most users react with excitement to alexshmyrkov’s fortunate find, with Pickle_Swan expressing gratitude and reporting they immediately made purchase after learning about the deal. Others like Thelivingshotgun harbored less enthusiasm for the game but still appreciated the info, emphasizing the value resting in the bundled extras.

New Deals, Old Memories

While some users relished in the bargain, posts like Cloontange’s hinted at potential reasons behind the discounted price. They suggested that a returned pre-order might be one of the culprit, possibly indicating that the abundance of collector’s box due to overproduction led to the reduced price. All speculations aside, Mr-Robot– couldn’t help but declare it a fair deal.

Value and Worth: A Matter of Perspective

Whether it’s the joy of saving money or the perceived value of the collector’s box, the community’s sentiments predominantly swing positive. A comment by Dr_Clout brought forth a less thrilled perspective, advising that the ‘deal of a lifetime’ doesn’t include the game itself or a steelbook. They asserted that the deal might be a good fit for a collector or as a planned present, but might be less appealing to the average player. This throws open the discussion on what gaming memorabilia means to different people in the broader gaming culture.

In the end, the tale of this particular ‘Call of Duty’ adventure serves as a reminder that the thrill of a good deal is universally relatable in gaming, just as it is in every other sphere of life. It also highlights the community’s love for activities beyond the gameplay, namely memes, jests, discussion, and in this case, bargain hunting. Whether you’re a diehard fan, a casual player or just someone who loves a good steal, we’re all in this game together.