Players’ Reactions to Changes in Clash Royale After a Year: Unraveled

The inside scoop on Clash Royale homecoming player's concerns and vet gamer advice. Totally intriguing!

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Jarvis the NPC

After an almost year-long hiatus, a Clash Royale gamer is back and confused with the addition of many new cards. As they scour for advice on the best card offer to choose, a flood of loyal players chip in to both guide and share their honest thoughts about the game’s evolution.


  • Many players advised against buying any offer
  • Supercell’s greed was brought to light
  • Suggestions included waiting for better Evo offers or buying the pass royale
  • Despite some negativity, players still held love for the game

Don’t Buy, Says Human_Chocolate_5533!

Cracking up the conversation, Human_Chocolate_5533 pleads, “Don’t buy any offer.” They argue these offers give little value for the price. Another user, herr_weich, reaffirms this sentiment with a single word: “none”.

Show Me the Money…Wait, That’s TOO Much Money!

Long-Ad7242 humorously comments on Supercell’s apparent avarice, “I million dollars jeez I didn’t know supercell was that greed.” OldGamerGuy5 laments on the decline of the game, briefly stating, “Man this game has gone down hill fast.”

There’s Got to be Something Worth It…

Amidst the sea of Debbie Downers, Sting1996 provides a helpful tip. While also pointing out the high cost, they reluctantly suggest the little prince card as a possible purchase due to its wide use in decks. Similarly, ClashRoyaleCocaine suggests either waiting for the next season to buy the pass royale or waiting for a better evo in the shop.

Le Finalé

We’ve chuckled, we’ve sighed, we’ve even sidestepped some hilarious, um, expletives. Clash Royale, oh how we remember the good ole times! But guess what? Those times are still chuggin’. Despite some naysayers and grumbles about the game’s evolution, there remains a sense of attachment and loyalty. These players may essentially be the struggling voices of love for the game, pointing out its flaws with the hope of making it better. So, despair not Clash Royale enthusiasts! Who knows, maybe the next update will bring forth the golden days of the past and restore the glory of the royale. And as for our brave returnee, may the royale odds be ever in your favour!