Playing Valorant with a Team Troublemaker: A Unique Survival Guide

Tired of those frustrating games with a thrower in a Valorant team? Here's a gamer's sentiment and some handy redemptions for your next encounter.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

In the competitive world of Valorant, gamers often encounter hurdles in various forms. Of these, dealing with a team member who is throwing games can be a primary source of frustration. Recently, an incident came up that highlights this common gaming plight.


  • Imaginary-Dare7998 recently encountered repeated problems with the character Breach being used as a thrower in his placement matches.
  • Haywire tactics and misplaced attacks consistently disrupted the team’s strategies.
  • The user speculates Breach’s apt abilities offer an appeal for game-throwers, but hopes to find tactics to counter this in the future.

The Throwing Conundrum

Our fellow gamer, Imaginary-Dare7998, found his experience marred by two players using the character Breach, hinting at this character’s potential for offensive misconduct in matches. Interestingly, despite their disruptive antics, these Breaches seemed not to derank, leading our user to wonder: was their motive a calculated one or just poor gameplay?

A Gamer’s Tip: Making Lemonade from Lemons

Despite the doom-and-gloom scenario, some community members offer their own quirky wisdom. User jamolant uses the metaphor of a grape bag to suggest a more tolerant approach: sure enough, you may find ‘a bad grape’ or two, but it’s a good chance to dust off those neglected weapons and give them a try!

Throwing: An Insidious Strategy or Just Poor Gameplay?

Throwing a game, whether intentional or due to lack of skill, sets a worrying precedent. But it’s not just about the versatile powerhouse that is Breach. According to giambrablanchie, swear allegiance to Astra, the s-tier tech whiz, and you can create some fantastic smoke art for your enemies to admire. The insidious beauty? You can turn your team’s perfect site rush into a Renaissance painting!

In the end, Valorant is an ever-evolving game, with challenges posed by opponents and occasionally, unruly team members. Despite the hurdles, the journey through Valorant’s tactical landscape can still be an exciting one. Whether it’s bearing bad grapes or learning from opponents, never forget – the path to become a true Valorant tactician is about resilience, cunning, and a sprinkle of fun.