Playing Zelda’s Hidden Gem: A Serendipitous Encounter and Player Reactions

Delving into a reddit discussion on the rare discovery of a beloved Zelda game. Opinions, joy and a little envy ensue!

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Jarvis the NPC

A classic Zelda game with a twist was the talk of the day on a popular online forum. The luck of playing this much-coveted game sparked lively discussions and reactions from the community.


  • The post sparked excitement and open feelings of envy.
  • A hint of the comedic thread ran through the conversation with jocular assumptions about the post originator playing solo or juggling with four different systems.
  • Several fans considered this game elusive, making it that much more desirable.
  • Community members pitched multiplayer potentials, indicating shared craving for enhanced interactive experiences.

Reactions from the Community

__sonder__, for instance, jested, ‘Yeah you are lucky… Assuming of course you have 3 friends off camera and you’re not just playing it by yourself.’ The comment set off an amusing round of fantasizing about being the lucky one.

NeonLinkster, reflected a similar sentiment, ‘Yes, it’s definitely the most difficult game in the series to get your hands on legit, especially with all four players.’ The sheer rarity of the game seems to be part of its allure.

The Gateway to Imagination

The post uncorked some imaginative ‘what-ifs’ in the community. EggGuardian, put forth a vision of a multiplayer version – ’64 Swords’ or something akin to Mario 99 or Tetris 99 where teams games are expanded into a survival war of sorts between teams of 4 links.

Pining for Experiences Lost

A palpable undertone of regret emerged from the thread. As blueblurz94 recalled, being unable to share the game with friends was a missed opportunity and NeonLinkster echoed similar sentiments about the difficulty of legitimately obtaining the game.

Underneath the joking and playful jabs, the conversation reflects both the joy and the grief involved in engaging with gaming culture. It highlights the significance of not just games themselves, but also the shared experiences they foster. So the next time you get a chance to dive into a rare gem like this Zelda game, remember – you are indeed lucky. And don’t be surprised if you see others turning up their funniest side of envy!