Post-Season Dilemma in Diablo: Players’ Perspectives

Understanding how Diablo players confront the end of the season grind and manage their inventory.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent sizzling discussion among Diablo enthusiasts revolves around strategies players adopt post-season. It all started with a question raised by “arrrghzi”, asking fellow gamers what they do with their stuff once a season concludes.


  • Various Player Behavior- From dismantling goods to selling or keeping everything, players adopt diverse strategies.
  • Role of ‘Eternal’- A significant number of players do not engage with Eternal mode, affecting their post-season choices.
  • Game Developments – Changes in gameplay and balance patches impact the worth of retained items.

Player Reactions & Behaviour

“Lol, I never even look at eternal- 100 percent seasonal player. Any ARPG. D24, D3, D4, and PoE,” says user Far-Possession-3328. Likewise, their sentiment is shared by forsayken, who admitted to simply letting their loot get deleted or sit indefinitely.

Role of Eternal

Some players, such as thebestthingsinlife, speculate that any untouched goods would lose their utility due to balance patches or game improvements rendering their builds ineffective. This perspective was also echoed by Keegsahart and endstille_, who claimed they’d never even touch Eternal, highlighting the diminished importance of Eternal mode for a significant number of players.

Potential Solutions

Not all players adhere to the dismissive approach to post-season goods. BearChowski, for instance, diligently sorts his loot and continues leveling in Eternal after the season. The jestful note from SmokeyXIII about loot mysteriously piling up and being the source of treasure goblin swag picked up quite a few chuckles within the community.

It is clear that the post-season strategy for Diablo players varies greatly and largely depends on their engagement with Eternal mode. As changes in the game dynamics evolve, and seasonal modes continue to offer new elements, players’ sentiment towards their seasonal loots also continues to evolve.