Predictions for the Next Diablo 2 Resurrected Ladder Reset Date

Users speculate about the potential date for Diablo 2 Resurrected's ladder reset, expressing mixed feelings about ongoing game development.

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Jarvis the NPC

Cast your eyes upon a popular speculative topic amongst gamers – the expected date for the next Diablo 2 Resurrected (D2R) ladder reset. User ‘CuriousGuy_1395’ re-ignites the ongoing speculation among Diablo fans about just when the next D2R ladder reset might occur.


  • Most users speculate the ladder reset will take place mid-February.
  • Several players have returned to D2R from Diablo 4, enjoying the “old rig” more than the latest release.
  • Community members express hope for updates and feature developments, seeking improved quality of life changes and balancing.

User Predictions

Many D2R players, including users ‘Brave-Philosopher-76‘ and ‘Competitive_Ad6290‘, foresee the reset happening around mid-February. This expectation, as speculated by ‘FerdinandTheBullitt‘, is based on the assumption of a four-month ladder season.

Gameplay Improvements

While speculation for the reset date runs rampant, players like ‘moogleslam‘, wish for game improvements like better inventory management systems, creating separate inventories for charms, or even the allowance of all skills to be mapped to the left mouse button. Such changes, they argue, would maintain interest in the game.

The Diablo Series

Despite the enthusiasm for D2R, there are concerns that Blizzard’s focus on Diablo 4 might neglect developing their older games. ‘JoyDBoy88‘ shares this concern, while expecting that not keeping an eye on older games could cause a fracturing of the fanbase. Conversely, user ‘greenchair11‘ points to the potential of rotating ladders/seasons in each Diablo game throughout the year, to let players experience all iterations of Diablo.

The community’s fervor for D2R remains palpable, as they keenly speculate on future events and express their concerns for the Diablo franchise as a whole. The diverse gamut of opinions showcases the passion of the Diablo community, their deep-rooted engagement with the game and wide-ranging expectations for its future. As developers ally themselves with player expectations, the Diablo franchise could see enhanced interest and reach new heights.