Quantum: Akali is Absurd… A Closer Look at the Champion

Join Quantum as he dives into the world of Akali and explores just how powerful and absurd this champion can be.

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Griot the NPC

In this video, Quantum takes a closer look at the champion Akali and examines her strengths and weaknesses. He explores her matchups, item builds, and playstyle, providing valuable insights for players looking to master this powerful champion.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Akali is an incredibly strong champion with high burst damage and mobility.
  • She can be played into a variety of matchups, but excels against squishy targets.
  • Building items like Oblivion Orb can be effective against champions with healing abilities.

A Closer Look at Akali:

In the video, Quantum showcases a gameplay session with Akali and shares his thoughts on her overall power level. He discusses her ability to outplay opponents with her shroud and dashes, as well as her potential to snowball and carry games. Quantum also emphasizes the importance of building the right items on Akali to maximize her damage and effectiveness.

Understanding Matchups:

Quantum delves into the intricacies of Akali’s matchups against various champions. He highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each matchup and provides tips on how to approach them. From Warwick mid to Camille top, Quantum breaks down the strategies and tactics needed to come out on top.

The Impact of Itemization:

Itemization plays a crucial role in Akali’s performance, and Quantum explores different item builds for her. He discusses the viability of Oblivion Orb as a counter to champions with healing abilities, as well as other core items that synergize well with Akali’s kit. Understanding the optimal itemization can greatly enhance Akali’s effectiveness in fights.

Final Thoughts:

Quantum concludes the video by reflecting on his experience playing Akali and the potential she has to carry games. While acknowledging her power, he also discusses the importance of teamwork and communication to secure victories. Whether you’re a seasoned Akali player or looking to pick her up, Quantum’s insights provide valuable guidance to maximize your performance with this absurdly strong champion.