Quantum: Veigar is Pretty Broken with the New Cryptbloom Item…

Discover how Quantum showcases the power of Veigar with the new Cryptbloom item in this exciting video.

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Jarvis the NPC

Quantum’s recent video titled ‘Veigar is pretty broken with the new Cryptbloom Item…’ highlights the incredible strength of Veigar with the introduction of the Cryptbloom item. This new item provides Veigar with additional power and versatility, making him a force to be reckoned with on the Rift. In the video, Quantum explores different build options and demonstrates the devastating impact Veigar can have with the Cryptbloom item.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The new Cryptbloom item provides Veigar with a significant power boost.
  • Vigar benefits from the extra skill point and increased AP offered by the Cryptbloom item.
  • The Cryptbloom item’s healing effect and CDR make it a valuable asset for Veigar in team fights.
  • Quantum showcases Veigar’s incredible damage potential with the Cryptbloom item.

Veigar’s Dominance with Cryptbloom

In the video, Quantum experiments with different build options for Veigar, including traditional items like Deathcap and Luden’s Echo. However, it quickly becomes apparent that the new Cryptbloom item is the standout choice for maximizing Veigar’s potential. The item’s 50% AP ratio and CDR greatly enhance Veigar’s abilities, allowing him to deal devastating damage and continuously stack his Q ability.

Quantum demonstrates Veigar’s dominance in team fights, as the Cryptbloom item’s healing effect provides Veigar with a significant sustain advantage. The item’s AOE heal allows Veigar to heal his entire team to full HP, turning the tide of battles in his team’s favor. Additionally, the CDR provided by the Cryptbloom item ensures that Veigar’s abilities are always available, maximizing his damage output and utility.

The Power of Veigar’s Cage

One of Veigar’s key abilities, his cage, becomes even more powerful with the inclusion of the Cryptbloom item. Quantum showcases how Veigar’s cage becomes a formidable tool for crowd control and zoning, effectively trapping and disabling enemies. This allows Veigar and his team to secure kills and control objectives with ease. The combination of Veigar’s cage and the Cryptbloom item’s healing effect creates a deadly synergy that can turn the tide of battles in Veigar’s favor.

Cryptbloom: A Must-Have Item for Veigar

Quantum’s video makes a strong case for the Cryptbloom item being a must-have for Veigar players. The item’s unique combination of AP, healing, and CDR make it an incredibly powerful asset for Veigar’s kit. Whether it’s the extra skill point, increased AP, or the healing effect, the Cryptbloom item enhances Veigar’s overall effectiveness and allows players to dominate the game.