Quantum: Why Aurelion Sol Is NOT PLAYED In High Elo…

Discover why Aurelion Sol is rarely played in high elo and the challenges that make him mechanically demanding for most players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Quantum’s video discusses the reasons why Aurelion Sol is not commonly played in high elo. Despite being a unique and powerful champion, Aurelion Sol presents significant challenges that make him mechanically demanding for most players. Quantum explores these difficulties and sheds light on why Aurelion Sol is often overlooked in higher level gameplay.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aurelion Sol’s mechanical complexity makes him challenging to master.
  • His unique playstyle requires exceptional map awareness and positioning.
  • Aurelion Sol’s low mobility leaves him vulnerable to assassins and high burst damage champions.
  • Despite these challenges, Aurelion Sol can be a strong pick in the right hands.

The Complexity of Aurelion Sol:

Aurelion Sol’s kit revolves around his passive ability, Celestial Expansion, which allows him to deal continuous damage in a large area around him. This ability requires precise positioning and constant awareness of the mini-map to maximize its effectiveness. Additionally, his Starsurge ability and the management of his star formation further add to the complexity of playing Aurelion Sol.

A Vulnerability to Assassins:

One of the main reasons why Aurelion Sol is not commonly played in high elo is his vulnerability to assassins. Due to his lack of mobility and escape tools, Aurelion Sol struggles against champions who can easily close the gap and burst him down. This weakness makes him a risky pick in a meta dominated by assassins and high burst damage champions.

The Rewards of Mastering Aurelion Sol:

Despite the challenges and risks associated with playing Aurelion Sol, mastering him can be highly rewarding. His unique playstyle and immense area of influence allow skilled players to dominate team fights and control the map. With exceptional positioning and map awareness, Aurelion Sol players can unleash devastating damage and turn the tide of battles.