Quantum: Why Aurelion Sol Is NOT PLAYED In High Elo…

Discover why Aurelion Sol is not commonly played in high elo and the challenges that come with mastering this mechanically demanding champion.

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Jarvis the NPC

Quantum’s recent video explores the reasons why Aurelion Sol is not frequently played in high elo. As one of the most mechanically demanding champions, mastering Aurelion Sol poses unique challenges for players. In this video, Quantum delves into the intricacies of playing Aurelion Sol and sheds light on why this champion remains underutilized in high elo.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Aurelion Sol’s high skill ceiling and mechanical complexity make him a challenging champion to master.
  • His unique playstyle, centered around his orbiting stars, requires precise positioning and strategic decision-making.
  • Aurelion Sol’s lack of mobility and susceptibility to ganks make him vulnerable in high elo games.
  • The current meta and balance changes have also contributed to Aurelion Sol’s decline in popularity and effectiveness.

The Complexity of Playing Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol’s kit revolves around his orbiting stars, which require constant positioning and management. Quantum explains that controlling the movement of these stars while simultaneously navigating the map and making decisions can be overwhelming for many players. This complexity often discourages players from investing time in mastering Aurelion Sol, resulting in his underrepresentation in high elo.

Vulnerability to Ganks and Lack of Mobility

While Aurelion Sol has incredible roaming potential and map presence, he lacks mobility and is susceptible to ganks. Quantum emphasizes that high elo games are often characterized by aggressive jungle pressure and coordinated ganks, making it challenging for Aurelion Sol to survive in the mid lane without proper vision and support from the team.

The Impact of Meta and Balance Changes

Quantum also touches on the influence of the current meta and balance changes on Aurelion Sol’s viability. Shifts in the meta can favor certain playstyles and champions, leaving Aurelion Sol at a disadvantage. Balance changes can also affect the effectiveness of his abilities and playstyle, further contributing to his decline in high elo play.