Raft: Accidentally Beat Varuna Point and the Impact on Gameplay

Discover how a player accidentally beat Varuna Point and the consequences on gameplay and experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever stumbled upon a secret shortcut in a game that completely changes your gameplay experience? Well, that’s exactly what happened to one Raft player who accidentally beat Varuna Point without completing any tasks. Let’s dive into the community’s reactions to this unexpected turn of events.


  • Uncovering unintended shortcuts can alter the way players approach challenges in Raft.
  • The accidental skip at Varuna Point brings a mix of frustration and curiosity among players.
  • Some players find the shortcut as an exciting discovery, while others feel they missed out on valuable gameplay content.

Player Reactions

Macquaria, the player who stumbled upon the shortcut, expressed disappointment at missing out on significant gameplay content. They debated whether to redo the entire sequence or continue from the save point, highlighting a sense of regret tinged with curiosity.

Speedrunning Community

ShadyNefarius12 mentioned that speedrunners utilize similar skips to save time, emphasizing the different perspectives players may have when exploring unconventional routes in the game.

Unexpected Discoveries

Mil0piangelato humorously responded with a simple ‘lol,’ capturing the amusement and surprise that can come with accidental discoveries in games like Raft.

Fear of the Unknown

LNK76 shared their fear of underwater environments and appreciated the unintended shortcut as a way to bypass challenging underwater sections, showcasing how gameplay shortcuts can cater to various player preferences and fears.