Raft: How to Reach the Island – Tips and Tricks Revealed

Struggling to reach the first story island in Raft? Find out how to navigate with ease in this useful guide!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Raft, navigation can be tricky, especially when trying to reach your first story island. One user, RAiNbOwS_PuRTy, sought help on Reddit, puzzled by the direction of the wind and the island in front of them.


  • Utilize the wind to navigate efficiently towards the island.
  • Reorient the receiver to face the front of the raft for garbage collection.
  • Consider crafting paddles as a manual navigation option.

Riding the Wind

One user, highoncatnipbrownies, advised aligning your raft with the wind, even if it seems to push you away from the island initially. By sailing further away, the island will respawn in front of you, allowing you to progress.

Gambling on Garbage

Puzzleheaded-Fill205 recommended checking the orientation of the receiver to ensure you are facing the front of the raft. This adjustment ensures efficient garbage collection, vital for survival in Raft’s oceanic world.

Paddling to Progress

HonestlyBeloved suggested creating paddles to manually navigate towards the island. While relying on the wind and mechanics is essential, having paddles as a backup plan can be a lifesaver when precision is required.

In Raft, mastering navigation is key to survival and progress. Whether you’re adjusting to the wind’s whims or ensuring effective collection methods, understanding these nuances can make all the difference in your oceanic adventure.