RageGamingVideos: 26 IMPORTANT Event Quests Everyone NEEDS to Do in Monster Hunter World – Best Weapons & Armor Guide!

Discover the 26 essential event quests in Monster Hunter World that every player should complete for the best weapons and armor.

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Jarvis the NPC

Monster Hunter World has a plethora of event quests that offer unique weapons and armor rewards. In a recent video, RageGamingVideos highlights the 26 most important event quests that every player should do. These quests are still active and provide exceptional value for players, whether they are new to the game or returning for another playthrough.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Completing DLC monster quests like Devil Joe and Kulve Taroth offer incredible experiences.
  • Special weapon quests like ‘Where Sun Meets Moon’ and ‘Timberland Troublemakers’ provide unique and powerful weapons.
  • Collaboration quests with Universal Studios Japan unlock the Azur Long Sword and full armor set.
  • Event quests like ‘Code Red’ and ‘Challenge Quests’ offer the chance to acquire armor sets from the Street Fighter collaboration.

Low and High Rank Event Quests:

For players in low and high rank, there are several event quests worth completing. ‘Where Sun Meets Moon’ rewards players with a ticket to craft the Dowy Cig dual blades, while ‘Timberland Troublemakers’ offers a ticket for the Bristly Crake Hammer. ‘Every Hunter’s Dream’ unlocks the Rocket Powered Great Sword, a powerful weapon for great sword players. Additionally, the USJ quests provide materials for the Azur Long Sword and a complete armor set.

Unique Helmets and Cosmetics:

Event quests also offer unique helmet designs and cosmetics. ‘Wiggle Me This’ allows players to craft the Wiggler Helm, while ‘King’s No No Fear’ rewards the layered Wiggler Helmet. ‘Egg Lovers United’ provides materials for the Kulu Yaku head, and ‘A Royal Pain’ unlocks the Mosswine Helmet. ‘Code Red’ offers the Dante armor set and Dante Devil Sword Chargeblade. ‘Challenge Quests’ provide multiple Street Fighter armor sets. ‘Contract Woodland Spirit’ unlocks the layered Witcher armor, and ‘Visitor from Another World (Extreme)’ offers the opportunity to acquire dragon layered armor.

Arch Tempered Elder Dragons:

Several Arch Tempered Elder Dragon quests are worth completing for the challenge and rewards. ‘Rush of Blood’ rewards players with a Mega Man palico outfit, while ‘The Greatest Jagras’ offers a unique and challenging fight. ‘Arch Tempered Xeno’ and ‘Arch Tempered Zorah Magdaros’ provide more challenging versions of their base game counterparts, along with the ability to acquire dragon layered armor.

Iceborne Expansion Event Quests:

In the Iceborne expansion, there are even more event quests to explore. Players can acquire unique master rank weapons such as the Wet Fish Savers, Black Eagle Charge Blade, and Alcoholic Dual Blades. The expansion also offers silly and fun helmets like the Pearl Spring Headgear, Wyverian Ears, and Kelby Mask. Additionally, there are quests to unlock buff body armors, layered armor sets, and unique headpieces like the Sealed Dragon Cloth Scarf and Bunny Ears.

Finally, the ‘Resident Evil Return of the Bioweapon’ quest provides a special Black Veil Vaal Hazak fight with unique mechanics and the ability to turn into a zombie. With so many event quests still active in Monster Hunter World, players have plenty of content to enjoy and rewards to acquire.