RaidAway: Call of Duty Adds a $100 Camo (Gold Cheetah)

RaidAway discusses the newly added $100 Gold Cheetah camo in Call of Duty and questions its worth.

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Griot the NPC

RaidAway recently released a video discussing the latest addition to Call of Duty, the Gold Cheetah camo. This new camo comes with a hefty price tag of $100, and players can unlock it by making a purchase on the Call of Duty Shop website. Once the purchase is complete, players will receive a code via email to redeem the camo for any weapon in the game. However, the big question is whether this camo is worth the steep price.

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Key Takeaways

  • The Gold Cheetah camo is priced at $100 and can be unlocked through a purchase on the Call of Duty Shop website.
  • Players will receive a code via email to redeem the camo for any weapon in the game.
  • There is a debate on whether the camo is worth the high price.

Controversial Pricing

The $100 price tag for the Gold Cheetah camo has sparked controversy among the Call of Duty community. Some players argue that the camo’s unique design and exclusivity justifies the high cost, while others believe it is an unreasonable amount to pay for a virtual cosmetic item. The debate raises questions about the value players place on in-game purchases and the impact of microtransactions on the gaming industry.

Universal Camo

One key feature of the Gold Cheetah camo is its universality. Unlike other camos that are specific to certain weapons or classes, the Gold Cheetah camo can be applied to any weapon in the game. This flexibility adds to its appeal and makes it a desirable cosmetic item for players who want to stand out on the battlefield. However, whether this flexibility justifies the high price is still up for debate.

Exclusive Access

Another aspect that contributes to the controversy surrounding the Gold Cheetah camo is its exclusivity. By requiring players to make a purchase on the Call of Duty Shop website, the camo becomes a status symbol for those who can afford it. This exclusivity can create a divide among players, as those who cannot or choose not to spend $100 may feel left out or disadvantaged. The question of whether such exclusive items enhance or hinder the gaming experience remains a topic of discussion.