Ranking the Archon Quests in Genshin Impact: A Regional Perspective

Discover how players rank the Archon quests in Genshin Impact by region. Find out which regions stand out and why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact players on Reddit are discussing how they rank the Archon quests by region. It’s a hot topic with players sharing their views and reasoning.


  • Players have varying opinions on the best Archon quests, with Fontaine and Sumeru frequently taking the lead.
  • The pacing, story depth, and character development heavily influence players’ rankings.
  • Some players appreciate specific regions for their unique storylines and challenges.

Fontaine: A Surprising Fan Favorite

Fontaine seems to have captured many players’ hearts with its engaging storyline and character interactions. The quest’s release order adds to its charm, making it a top choice for several players.

Inazuma: Dividing Opinions

Inazuma’s quest has polarized players, with some finding it lackluster compared to other regions. The ending and pacing issues have led to mixed feelings, affecting its overall ranking.

Mondstadt: A Soft Spot for Many

Despite varied opinions, Mondstadt’s Archon quest holds a special place in the hearts of players. The involvement of Abyss and unique challenges make it a memorable experience for many.

The rankings reveal players’ diverse preferences, showing that each region in Genshin Impact offers a distinct and engaging storyline. As players continue to explore Teyvat, discussions on quest rankings spark lively debates and insights into the game’s narrative depth and character development.