Raxxanterax: Diablo 4 Season 3 Discussion With DarthMicrotransaction

In this video, Raxxanterax and DarthMicrotransaction discuss their thoughts on Diablo 4 Season 3 and the new pet mechanic.

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Jarvis the NPC

In this video, Raxxanterax and DarthMicrotransaction discuss their thoughts on Diablo 4 Season 3 and the new pet mechanic. They express their disappointment with the delay of The Gauntlet leaderboard, which was hyped at BlizzCon, and the lack of in-game content. They discuss the vampire powers and glyphs, and question the purpose of the vaults and the chase items. They also raise concerns about the itemization changes and the direction of the game. Overall, they feel that Diablo 4 is catering more towards casual players, and they are unsure of the game’s future.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Disappointment with the delay of The Gauntlet leaderboard and the lack of in-game content
  • Confusion about the purpose of the vaults and the chase items
  • Concerns about the itemization changes and the direction of the game
  • Feeling that Diablo 4 is catering more towards casual players

Delay of The Gauntlet Leaderboard:

Raxxanterax and DarthMicrotransaction express their disappointment with the delay of The Gauntlet leaderboard, which was hyped at BlizzCon. They feel that the timing of the announcement deflates the hype of the season and undermines the competitive aspect of the game.

Purpose of Vaults and Chase Items:

The video hosts question the purpose of the vaults and the chase items in Season 3. They discuss the mechanics of earning shattered stones and crafting with them, but express confusion about the overall value and purpose of these features.

Concerns about Itemization Changes:

Raxxanterax and DarthMicrotransaction raise concerns about the itemization changes in Diablo 4. They feel that the itemization revamp needs to be substantial and satisfying, and they worry that it may not meet their expectations.

The Direction of the Game:

Overall, Raxxanterax and DarthMicrotransaction feel that Diablo 4 is catering more towards casual players and lacks content for hardcore players. They question the game’s future and express uncertainty about its direction.