Raxxanterax: Diablo 4 Season 3 Overview & Opinion

Check out Raxxanterax's video on Diablo 4 Season 3, where he discusses the new season theme, abilities, and more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Raxxanterax provides an overview and opinion on Diablo 4 Season 3. The season is called ‘Season of the Construct’ and introduces a new quest line involving robots and a powerful companion. Players can choose two main abilities out of 12 options and link three supports to those abilities. Raxxanterax is excited about the unique season theme and the powerful supporting skills that can enhance builds. However, he expresses disappointment that the gauntlet, a highly anticipated feature, will not be available at the start of the season. He also discusses additional changes and features in the upcoming season.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Season of the Construct introduces a new quest line involving robots and a powerful companion.
  • Players can choose two main abilities out of 12 options and link three supports to those abilities.
  • The supporting skills offer powerful enhancements and can solve resource problems for certain builds.
  • The season theme introduces traps and puzzles in vaults, providing higher rewards for those who can solve them.

Season Theme: The Construct

Raxxanterax highlights the unique aspects of the season theme, including the new quest line and the companion character. He praises the variety of main abilities and the powerful supporting skills that can greatly enhance builds. He also mentions the introduction of new legendary powers and unique items, which will add more excitement to the season.

Disappointment with the Gauntlet

Raxxanterax expresses disappointment that the highly anticipated gauntlet, a competitive feature, will not be available at the start of the season. He speculates that it may not be ready yet or that Blizzard wants to entice players to continue playing later on. He believes that launching the gauntlet later in the season will result in a less exciting and competitive environment.

Other Changes and Features

Raxxanterax discusses additional changes and features introduced in Season 3. He mentions the permanent availability of Hell Tides, which some players appreciate. He also highlights the addition of WD movement, an extra stash tab, and various quality of life updates. He raises questions about how the scaling of companions with character power will work and mentions the introduction of new legendary powers and unique items.