Raxxanterax: Diablo 4 Super Hardmode Speedrun then First Descendant

Join Raxxanterax as he takes on the challenge of a super hardmode speedrun in Diablo 4, followed by a playthrough of First Descendant.

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Griot the NPC

In his latest video, Raxxanterax takes on the daunting task of completing a super hardmode speedrun in Diablo 4. With the goal of beating his previous time of 2 hours, Raxxanterax dives into the game, armed with only the items that drop on the ground. No imprinting, tempering, or upgrading allowed. It’s a true test of skill and strategy.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Raxxanterax attempts a super hardmode speedrun in Diablo 4, aiming to beat his previous time of 2 hours.
  • No imprinting, tempering, or upgrading allowed – only items found on the ground can be used.
  • After completing the speedrun, Raxxanterax tries out the game First Descendant, a brand new game he’s not sponsored to play but finds interesting.

Diablo 4 Super Hardmode Speedrun

In the first part of the video, Raxxanterax takes on the challenge of a super hardmode speedrun in Diablo 4. This mode restricts him from using any in-game items except for what he finds on the ground. With no ability to imprint, temper, or upgrade his gear, Raxxanterax relies solely on his skill and the luck of the drops.

As he progresses through the game, Raxxanterax encounters various enemies and bosses, utilizing different strategies and skills to overcome them. He discusses his thought process and decision-making, showcasing his deep understanding of the game mechanics.

First Descendant Playthrough

After completing the Diablo 4 speedrun, Raxxanterax dives into First Descendant, a brand new game that he’s trying out for the first time. He clarifies that he’s not sponsored to play the game, but he finds it interesting and wants to give it a try.

Raxxanterax explores the game, experiencing its unique gameplay mechanics and features. He shares his initial impressions and provides commentary on the various aspects of the game.

Raxxanterax’s video showcases his skill and dedication as he takes on the challenge of a super hardmode speedrun in Diablo 4. His strategic decision-making and knowledge of the game mechanics shine through as he navigates through the game with limited resources. Additionally, his playthrough of First Descendant offers viewers a glimpse into a brand new game that he finds interesting. Overall, it’s another exciting and informative video from Raxxanterax that fans of gaming content won’t want to miss.