Raxxanterax: Five Things I’d Love For Season 5 in Diablo 4

Raxxanterax discusses five changes he would like to see in Diablo 4's upcoming Season 5, including improvements to tempering, resource balancing, unique items, class balance, and loadout functionality.

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Raxxanterax recently released a video discussing his thoughts and ideas for Season 5 in Diablo 4. In the video, he covers five specific changes that he would love to see implemented in the game. These changes focus on improving the tempering system, balancing resources, enhancing unique items, addressing class balance issues, and introducing loadout functionality. Let’s dive deeper into each of these topics.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Raxxanterax suggests reimagining the tempering system in Diablo 4’s Season 5 to give players more control and reduce the risk of hard bricking items.
  • He also highlights the need for better resource balancing, addressing issues with the cost of rerolls and the scarcity of certain resources like Angel’s Breath.
  • Raxxanterax expresses his desire for more exciting and powerful unique items in the game, urging Blizzard to be more creative and make uniques truly unique.
  • He discusses the importance of class balance and suggests finding ways to bridge the gap between different builds and playstyles within each class.
  • Raxxanterax emphasizes the need for loadout functionality in Diablo 4, allowing players to easily switch between different setups for various activities.

Improving the Tempering System:

Raxxanterax starts by addressing the issues with the current tempering system in Diablo 4. He suggests giving players more control over the process and reducing the risk of hard bricking items. One idea he proposes is allowing players to keep what they previously had when tempering, giving them more agency in the process. Another suggestion is to adjust the number of attempts or introduce a system that rolls multiple affixes within a category, offering more options and reducing the chances of completely bricking an item.

Balancing Resources:

Raxxanterax points out the problems with resource balancing in Diablo 4, such as the high cost of rerolls and the scarcity of certain resources like Angel’s Breath. He acknowledges the value of resources but suggests finding a better balance to ensure players have access to them without feeling constantly bankrupt. He encourages Blizzard to consider the rarity of certain affixes and the amount of gold required for rerolls, aiming for a more fair and enjoyable resource system.

Enhancing Unique Items:

Raxxanterax expresses his disappointment with the current state of unique items in Diablo 4. He believes uniques should be more exciting and powerful, offering build-defining abilities and creating a sense of excitement when they drop. He commends Blizzard’s recent efforts in creating more unique and impactful uniques, like the Fractured Winter Glass, but urges them to continue being creative and make uniques truly stand out from legendaries.

Addressing Class Balance:

Raxxanterax acknowledges the challenges of class balance in Diablo 4 and the need to ensure each class has its own unique playstyle while not falling behind in certain areas. He highlights the discrepancy between different damage numbers for certain builds, emphasizing the importance of bridging the gap intelligently. Raxxanterax suggests redistributing power rather than simply buffing or nerfing specific skills, aiming to create a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all classes.

Introducing Loadout Functionality:

Raxxanterax concludes his video by discussing the need for loadout functionality in Diablo 4. He explains that loadouts would allow players to easily switch between different setups and builds for different activities, providing a much-needed quality of life improvement. Raxxanterax believes loadouts are essential in the current state of the game, where players engage in various activities with different requirements, and he hopes Blizzard prioritizes the implementation of this feature.