Raxxanterax: Ideas For The New Chain Lightning Sorcerer in Diablo 4

Raxxanterax explores the potential of the Chain Lightning Sorcerer build in Diablo 4 and suggests improvements for the upcoming season.

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Raxxanterax delves into the details of the Chain Lightning Sorcerer build in Diablo 4 and offers suggestions for improvements in the upcoming season. He begins by acknowledging the feedback from players about the current state of the build, which is considered to be underpowered. Raxxanterax then proceeds to analyze the unique helmet that provides significant damage and predicts that it will likely be nerfed in the future. To better understand the build, Raxxanterax spends time experimenting with the Chain Lightning skill and observing its mechanics.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The unique helmet in the Chain Lightning build provides a significant damage boost, but it is expected to be nerfed in the future.
  • The Chain Lightning enchantment and the chance to cast Chain Lightning twice from Tempests are important components of the build.
  • The build suffers from a lack of straight damage multipliers, which puts it at a disadvantage compared to other classes.
  • Suggestions for improving the build include making adjustments to the unique pants, allowing Chain Lightning to cast twice with the pants, and introducing more multiplicative damage.

Analyzing the Chain Lightning Sorcerer Build

In the video, Raxxanterax delves into the mechanics of the Chain Lightning build and highlights both its strengths and weaknesses. One of the main issues with the build is its lack of straight damage multipliers, which puts it at a disadvantage compared to other classes. Raxxanterax emphasizes the importance of adding multipliers or nerfing other classes to balance the gameplay experience for Sorcerers.

Raxxanterax also explores the interactions between different components of the build, such as the unique helmet, Chain Lightning enchantment, and the chance to cast Chain Lightning twice. He demonstrates how these elements work together and points out some inconsistencies that hinder the build’s potential.

Potential Improvements for the Build

Raxxanterax offers several suggestions for improving the Chain Lightning build. One suggestion involves adjusting the unique pants to drain less mana and ramp up in damage over time. This would incentivize players to stack resource cost reduction and generation to maintain a constant stream of chain lightning.

Another suggestion is to make the chance to cast Chain Lightning twice work in conjunction with the pants, as currently, duplicated chain lightnings do not follow the same logic. Raxxanterax argues that since the pants specifically mention the chance to cast chain lightning twice, it would make sense for this interaction to be included.

Raxxanterax emphasizes the need for more multiplicative damage in the build, rather than conditional damage bonuses. He suggests that Blizzard should consider adding straight damage multipliers or reevaluating the balance between different classes to bring Sorcerers up to par with other powerful builds.

Overall, Raxxanterax’s video provides valuable insights into the Chain Lightning Sorcerer build and offers meaningful suggestions for improving its viability and effectiveness in Diablo 4.