Raxxanterax: Shred Druid – A Disappointing Experience

Join Raxxanterax as he tests out the Shred Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR, but the results are far from impressive.

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Griot the NPC

Recently, I watched Raxxanterax’s video titled “Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR Testing Shred Druid”, where he gives his thoughts on the build and shares his experience. As a fan of Raxxanterax’s content, I was excited to see what he had to say about the Shred Druid build. However, after watching the video, it became clear that the build fell short of expectations.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Shred Druid build feels underpowered and lacks clear strengths compared to other builds.
  • The dash ability is the only redeeming feature of the build, providing a fun and engaging playstyle.
  • The legendary powers for Shred Druid are lackluster and do not significantly impact gameplay.

Disappointing Damage Output:

The core issue with the Shred Druid build is its lack of damage output. Despite focusing on increasing shred damage, the build struggles to deal significant damage to enemies. The low damage becomes particularly evident when facing elite monsters and bosses, where the build falls behind in terms of both single-target and area-of-effect damage.

One of the main reasons for the low damage output is the reliance on critical hits to apply poison and then deal multiplicative critical strike damage. However, early game, the build lacks access to high crit chance, making it difficult to consistently apply poison and deal significant damage.

The lack of clear strengths and viability in end-game content further reinforces the underwhelming nature of the Shred Druid build. Other builds in Diablo 4 offer more reliable damage output and better synergies, making the Shred Druid build pale in comparison.

Overall, the Shred Druid build in Diablo 4 Season 5 PTR leaves much to be desired. With its lackluster damage output and underwhelming legendary powers, the build falls short of expectations. While the dash ability provides some fun and engaging moments, it is not enough to salvage the overall experience of playing the Shred Druid build.

As the PTR progresses and potential changes are made, it remains to be seen if the Shred Druid build will receive the necessary adjustments to make it a viable and enjoyable option for players. Until then, it is advisable to explore other builds that offer more reliable damage and better overall performance.