Reaction To League of Legends Preseason & Ranked Changes

Explore thoughts and reactions from Reddit's League of Legends community regarding recent game updates.

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In a recent development update, Riot Games has unveiled a series of exciting changes set to reshape the landscape of League of Legends. As part of their ongoing commitment to enhancing gameplay experiences, several notable adjustments are on the horizon. These include the introduction of three ranked seasons per year, each accompanied by a unique ranked skin, as well as a shift in the preseason schedule to mid-November.

Additionally, the removal of the Mythic Item tier is set to revamp itemization strategies, with select items undergoing a transformation into the legendary tier. Moreover, the eagerly awaited return of the Arena mode in December, complete with updates, and the revival of the fast-paced Nexus Blitz mode in October are poised to inject fresh dynamism into the game. As if these changes weren’t enough to anticipate, players can also look forward to an early next year Skarner update, all of which is prompting discussions among the player community on Reddit.


  • Multiple changes were announced including the removal of Mythic items and schedule alterations for ranked seasons.
  • Community sentiment seems mixed, with both excitement and concern evident.
  • A common concern revolves around the introduction of three ranked splits.

Or from Blackout’s TLDR:

  • 3 Ranked seasons per year
  • Ranked skin for each
  • Preseason – Mid Nov instead of Oct
  • Mythic Item tier going away (some items being reworked into legendary.)
  • Arena coming back in Dec. with some updates
  • Nexus Blitz coming back in Oct.
  • Skarner update coming early next year

Removal of Mythic Items

Mythic items were introduced into League of Legends to revolutionize and enrich the game’s strategic depth and itemization choices. With their introduction, Riot Games aimed to provide players with a more impactful and adaptable way to customize their champion’s build, tailoring it to suit specific match circumstances and playstyles. Mythic items serve as central, high-impact pieces around which players can construct their build, offering diverse bonuses that significantly influence a champion’s power curve and effectiveness throughout the game.

By incorporating Mythic items, League of Legends sought to address the growing complexity of the game and the evolving meta. These items encourage experimentation, creativity, and counterplay, as players now have more options to adapt their builds in response to both enemy team compositions and their own team’s strategies. This dynamic approach to itemization adds an extra layer of decision-making to matches, making champion builds more situational and fostering strategic diversity.

Reddit user Revenesis was surprised by the announced removal of Mythic items in pre-season 2024, a sentiment echoed by others in the community.

Updates to Ranked Seasons

Several users such as Proxnite and Ikea_desklamp expressed concerns over the increase in ranked splits from 1 to 3 per year. Proxnite humorously envisioned a future where the game requires full-time commitment due to continuously recurring splits. Ikea_desklamp further emphasized the frustration of being demoted between splits and the subsequent struggle of climbing back through lower-quality games.

Preseason and Pro Play Impacts

User LightChase presented an interesting perspective on potential impacts on professional play due to the lack of a proper preseason, signaling players’ expectations of changes to professional play dynamics due to these updates.

Through the melting pot of perspectives indicated by the initial reactions, it is clear that while these changes bring about a wave of fresh excitement, they also stir worries about the game’s future viability, particularly in terms of player commitment and pro play impacts. League of Legends continues to evolve with its player base, sparking debates that help shape the game’s development journey.