Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT: ABUSE THIS SHEN for WINS in TFT Ranked Patch 14.11 | Teamfight Tactics Set 11 I Best Comps Guide

Learn how to dominate in TFT Ranked with Shen and win using the best comps in Patch 14.11. Watch Redox's video guide now!

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Griot the NPC

In Redox’s latest video, he explores the power of Shen in TFT Ranked Patch 14.11. Shen, combined with the right items and team composition, can be a dominating force on the battlefield. Redox showcases his strategies and offers insight into the best comps to use for success.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Shen with Ethereal Blades is a powerful combination that can lead to victory.
  • Building offensive items on Shen, such as Double Gensu and Bloodthirster, can maximize his potential.
  • Redemption and Best Friend’s Artifact are recommended items for Shen.
  • Creating a team composition with Morana and Wukong can provide strong support for Shen.

Shen’s Dominance:

In the video, Redox demonstrates how Shen can single-handedly carry a team to victory when properly utilized. With the right items, Shen becomes an unstoppable force, dealing massive damage and tanking hits with ease. His abilities and survivability make him a key component in any winning team composition.

Optimal Itemization:

Redox emphasizes the importance of itemizing Shen correctly for optimal performance. Ethereal Blades, Double Gensu, and Bloodthirster are highlighted as the most effective offensive items for Shen. These items increase his attack speed, damage output, and sustainability, making him a formidable opponent.

Best Comps for Success:

Redox shares his insights on the best team compositions to pair with Shen. He recommends including Morana and Wukong in the lineup for their supportive abilities. These champions provide additional damage and crowd control, enhancing Shen’s effectiveness on the battlefield.

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