Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT: THE BEST BUILD FOR SYLAS CARRY in TFT Ranked! – Set 11 Best Comps | Teamfight Tactics 14.12 Guide

Learn the best build for Sylas carry in TFT Ranked! Redox - Teamfight Tactics TFT guides you through the Set 11 best comps.

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Griot the NPC

Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT recently released a video titled “THE BEST BUILD FOR SYLAS CARRY in TFT Ranked! – Set 11 Best Comps | Teamfight Tactics 14.12 Guide.” In this video, Redox explores the best strategies and team compositions for playing Sylas as a carry in TFT Ranked. If you’re looking to climb the ladder and dominate your opponents, this guide is a must-watch.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Sylas can be a strong carry in TFT Ranked when built correctly.
  • The best team composition for Sylas includes Zyra and Janna.
  • Consider using items like Adaptive Helm, Bloodthirster, and Ionic Spark on Sylas.

Building Sylas as a Carry

In the video, Redox explores the best items and team composition for building Sylas as a carry in TFT Ranked. He recommends using items like Adaptive Helm, Bloodthirster, and Ionic Spark to maximize Sylas’ potential. These items provide both damage and sustain, allowing Sylas to dish out damage while staying alive.

The Best Team Composition

Redox suggests pairing Sylas with Zyra and Janna to create the best team composition. This combination of champions provides crowd control and healing, making Sylas even more effective in battle. By utilizing the strengths of these champions, players can create a powerful team that is difficult to defeat.

Itemization Strategy

When it comes to itemizing Sylas, Redox recommends using Adaptive Helm, Bloodthirster, and Ionic Spark. These items enhance Sylas’ abilities and allow him to deal significant damage to opponents. Additionally, these items provide sustain, ensuring that Sylas can survive longer in battle.

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