Redox – Teamfight Tactics TFT: The Unkillable Wardens – A Broken Build

Discover the most broken build in TFT featuring the unkillable Wardens and the unstoppable power of Elaoi.

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Griot the NPC

Redox from Teamfight Tactics TFT has just released a video showcasing the most broken build in TFT. In this video, he reveals a build that features the unkillable Wardens and the unstoppable power of Elaoi. The build revolves around combining multiple Gargantuan Resolves and Archangel’s Staff to create an incredibly tanky and damaging Elaoi. Redox demonstrates how this build can easily dominate the game, making it a must-see for all TFT players.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The build revolves around combining multiple Gargantuan Resolves and Archangel’s Staff on Elaoi.
  • Elaoi becomes incredibly tanky and deals massive damage with this build.
  • The unkillable Wardens provide additional protection and support for Elaoi.
  • Riot is likely to nerf this build due to its overwhelming power.

The Unkillable Wardens

In this video, Redox demonstrates the power of the unkillable Wardens build in TFT. By combining multiple Gargantuan Resolves and Archangel’s Staff on Elaoi, he creates a champion that is incredibly tanky and deals massive damage. The build revolves around stacking shields on Elaoi, allowing her to survive even the toughest fights. With the support of the Wardens, Elaoi becomes an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

A Broken Build

The build showcased in this video is undeniably broken. Elaoi’s shields continue to grow in size, making her almost impossible to kill. The combination of Gargantuan Resolves and Archangel’s Staff allows Elaoi to block thousands of damage while dealing significant damage herself. This build has the potential to dominate the game and has caught the attention of many TFT players. However, it is important to note that Riot is likely to nerf this build due to its overwhelming power.

Riot’s Response

Given the incredible strength of this build, it is expected that Riot will take action to balance it. The combination of Gargantuan Resolves and Archangel’s Staff on Elaoi is simply too powerful and disrupts the balance of the game. While players may enjoy the dominance that this build provides, it is important to remember that balance is key in maintaining a fair and competitive gaming environment. Therefore, it is likely that Riot will nerf this build in the near future.

Categories TFT