Reinventing the Game: Mastering Shield Tactics in Fortnite

Explore the tactics and strategies of dealing with Riot Shielders in the popular game, Fortnite!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the bustling world of Fortnite, players are always trying to outdo one another. In a recent exciting encounter, the words ‘Beating a Riot Shielder at their own game’ from a player known as ‘coconutmonkfish’, took the community by storm. He presented a situation involving Riot Shielders, characters often feared due to their intimidating defensive capabilities. This player had the tables turned when they found a protective shield just in time.


  • Players’ initial panic when facing Rally Shielders was replaced with relief and amusement as a strategy was found that involved using the same shields against them.
  • Community members shared a variety of thoughts reacting to coconutmonkfish’s action. Brainstorming for new strategies ensued.
  • The Reddit thread became an unofficial tutorial site brimming with advice.

Players’ Voices

Many participants provided constructive advice and made suggestions for better game tactics. User Jampine suggested that ‘if you both have shields, just charge the other player and it will deal damage and launch them’ a daring but potentially useful tactic.

User itsHeyKyle humorously criticized coconutmonkfish for dropping the grappler, one of the major counters for the shield, in favor of the shield, stating ‘I mean yeah you got your Reddit clip but come on’.

Positive Feedback

Certain users expressed their enjoyment of the spectacle. User JockoGood simply stated ‘this made me happy’ while User General-Wolverine386 found coconutmonkfish’s antics ‘satisfying’. It seems this unusual tactic has proven entertaining to many watchers.

Alternative Strategies

The Reddit thread was also abound with alternative strategies. User East_Engineering_583 recommended picking up the grappling hook, as it could stun riots in just one grapple. RemixedZorua suggested an extensive strategy, advising other players how to fight against a shield depending on what they have at their disposal.

This turn of events sparked a lively discussion about strategies and tactics, leading to sharing valued tips, reassessing game plans, and above all, offering an entertaining time for the Fortnite community. There’s no telling what could happen next in the unpredictable world of Fortnite!