Revamping Diablo Dungeon Events: A Community Demand

The Diablo community is clamoring for changes in dungeon events. This article explores their arguments and highlights potential solutions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players have recently been discussing their dissatisfaction with the game’s dungeon events in heated online threads. The post by ‘FamiliarCulture6079’ expresses a general sentiment among the gaming community: these events are seen as more of a chore, slowing down the gameplay and offering little to no reward.


  • Dungeon events are seen as tedious and not rewarding in their current form
  • Players often ignore these events when speed-running through Nightmare Modes (NMs)
  • Many have suggested possible solutions for making the events more attractive, like adding certain beneficial modifiers
  • Developers are encouraged to consider the feedback and implement changes that would improve player experience

Community Feedback on Dungeon Events

‘EmpiricalSkeptic’ stated that events can feel heavy and slow, especially in the context of a fast dungeon run. Some events get solved quickly, while others seem to have a static time duration that feels lengthy. Additionally, ‘EmpiricalSkeptic’ commented on the density of some events, expressing that it feels awful when you’re going through a decent density in the NMD and then the event feeds you mobs slowly.

Suggested Solutions

‘Master-Error-7388’ proposed a pop-up option that offers a choice between XP or Glyph points, in lieu of the current event structure. They also suggested that there is little reason to continue playing a character once it has maxed out on glyph, as that often results in an overpowered character that isn’t fun to play anymore.

Exceptions to The Rule

Despite the largely negative sentiment, some players see the value of dungeon events. For instance, ‘Demibolt’ confessed to loving the events when he is levelling up his clan mates. Similarly, users like ‘huggarn’ and ‘yxalitis’ find the events particularly useful during levelling.

As the heat of discussion continues, it will be intriguing to see if the game developers take the player feedback to heart and make necessary changes. All in all, the needs and wants of the Diablo community are echoing across the interweb, and they await a rewarding dungeon event experience that could reinvigorate the thrill of gameplay.