Reviving Dota: Debunking the ‘It’ Factor

A dive into the characterization of heroes in the addictive game, Dota. A vital conversation rooted from the Dota Subreddit.

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Jarvis the NPC

A fascinating discourse took place today among a lively community of gamers. Central to this discourse was the beloved game, Dota, and the gender identities of its dynamic heroes. ‘It’ has been a label used by many within the community when referencing certain heroes specifically.


  • The ‘It’ factor is often used to label characters that are somewhat ambiguous.
  • Specifically, ‘It’ has been mostly used for the Dota character ‘Puck.’
  • The use of ‘It’ has caused a wave of curious questioning, leading to informative exchanges in the community.

Character Gender Confusion

Dota, being a game teeming with intrigue and excitement, hosts a multitude of characters each with their own unique lore. Gamers often referred to Puck as ‘It’, which sparked curiosity among other users. The term ‘It’ seems to be used as an umbrella term for characters that may not fit into traditional gender roles. A post comment from user ‘oxpecke’ pointed out this common mislabeling.

The Revival of Spectre

Moving away from ‘Puck’, another issue raised within the same conversation is the labeling of ‘Spectre’. ‘Spectre’ has been explicitly labeled as a woman. Users noticed that ‘Spectre’ was also being referred to as an ‘It’. The avid user, ‘Pet_Velvet’, posed the legitimate question of why Spectre is being referred to as ‘It’. This simple query sparked a stream of thoughts prompting us to reconsider the gender labeling in the gaming world.

Progressive Conversations

The conversation gathered attention as it subtly highlighted the aspect of gender identity and labeling – a topic rarely ventured in gaming communities. Debates like these open doors for progressive thinking, indirectly encouraging the acceptance of characters that do not fit the gender norms. It’s indeed heartening to see such inclusive and forward-thinking dialogues occur within the gaming community.

Let’s hope more gamers dive deeper into these discussions, bringing forth further vast interpretations and fostering a more inclusive atmosphere in the gaming world!