Reviving the Winds of Change: Will A New Anemo Support Bring Venti Back into the Limelight in Genshin Impact?

Exploring debates on Venti's relevance within Genshin Impact and the potential game-changer in form of a new Anemo support character.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact, the much-acclaimed action role-playing game, has seen its fair share of dipping popularities and rising meta over time. The subject under scrutiny this time around is Venti, the beloved bard whose utility has been a topic of heated discussion lately.


  • The post observes a dwindling relevance of Venti, triggered particularly by the advent of enemies with weight >100 that Venti’s skills can’t affect.
  • The suggest a new Anemo support character that could halve the enemies’ weight, thus restoring Venti’s usefulness.
  • An artifact set having this ability, along with some Anemo RES shred, is also suggested to enhance Anemo’s overall versatility, and it is highly appreciated.

The Fandom Reflects on Venti’s Relevance

The comment by user Dependent-Hotel5551 resonated with the main sentiment as they expressed disappointment over Venti’s nerf. Another user named 9thdragonkitty, offered a different perspective, pointing out that Venti’s meta standing should not impact the affection of his fans.

Expectations from the New Support Character

While user Id0ntLikeApplePie stated that even reducing the enemies’ weight to zero might not make it feasible due to the potential loss in team slot, others anticipated more fruitful outcomes. User comfykampfwagen humorously expressed the desire for this new character to halve their own weight too.

Projected Improvements In Anemo

A low-key but impressive expectation was the suggestion of an artifact set equipped with the proposed ability, which was lauded as a brilliant idea. Meanwhile, skycorcher felt a character overhaul was premature and championed for upgrades in character mechanic instead.

The evolving discussions around Venti and his potential saviour suggest that the winds in the Genshin Impact realm are indeed changing, with a longing for reformation and improved metagame. It is apparent from the deliberations that the users keep the game close to their hearts, expressing their opinions with both dismay and hope. Much like the world of Genshin Impact, the fervour within its community is a volatile and shifting sphere that evolves with the game they so passionately indulge in.