Rhykker: Last Epoch Introduces a Groundbreaking Trade System

Rhykker discusses the innovative trade system in Last Epoch that aims to make both traders and non-traders happy.

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Rhykker discusses the upcoming ARPG Last Epoch and its revolutionary trade system that aims to strike a balance between traders and non-traders. The video reveals the details of the trade system, which allows players to choose between joining the Merchants Guild for trading or the Circle of Fortune for better drop rates. Both factions can still play together and interact with each other, but the trade faction has access to direct player-to-player trade and an auction house called the bazaar. On the other hand, the non-trade faction enjoys increased drop rates and better quality of drops, along with the ability to control what items drop through a system of telescopes, prophecies, and lenses.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Last Epoch introduces a trade system that aims to satisfy both traders and non-traders.
  • Players can choose to join the Merchants Guild for trading or the Circle of Fortune for better drop rates.
  • The trade faction has access to direct player-to-player trade and an auction house called the bazaar.
  • The non-trade faction enjoys increased drop rates and the ability to control what items drop through telescopes, prophecies, and lenses.

Details of the Trade System:

Rhykker explains that Last Epoch’s trade system allows players to choose between joining the Merchants Guild or the Circle of Fortune. The Merchants Guild faction grants players access to direct player-to-player trade and an auction house called the bazaar. Players can list their items for sale and buy items from other players using gold. The bazaar is a physical place in the game world that players must travel to, and different stalls serve as interfaces to purchase specific item types. However, Rhykker predicts that players may request a hotkey accessibility option for the bazaar in the future.

On the other hand, the Circle of Fortune faction offers non-trade players increased drop rates, better crafting odds, and better quality of drops. Players in this faction gain access to the observatory, which features four telescopes that allow players to focus on specific item types. Players can spend favor to roll prophecies, which are mini quests that offer specific rewards, such as rare body armors or unique weapons. Lenses can be applied to the telescopes to modify drop rates, rarity chances, and prophecy activities.

Implications and Thoughts:

Rhykker expresses his excitement for Last Epoch’s trade system, as it aims to satisfy both traders and non-traders. He acknowledges that some traders may not be satisfied with the limitations and restrictions on trading in the game. However, he believes that the system is well-balanced and prevents an inflated economy and the devaluation of item drops. Rhykker also suggests the idea of adding a prophecy reward that allows players to select missing set pieces, providing a compromise between earning set items gradually and completing sets within a reasonable time frame.

Overall, Last Epoch’s trade system offers a unique and innovative approach to balancing trade and non-trade gameplay. It remains to be seen how players will react to the system and whether it will achieve its goal of making both camps happy.